第二回:”警戒区域に残るという決断”  — Part 2: "A man who's been living in his home in the no-go zone in Fukushima"

April 20, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

This time I would like to introduce Mr. Naoto Matsumura, who decided to return to his home in no-go zone in Fukushima prefecture right after the explosion of the nuclear power plant while he fights the loneliness, contradiction of the situation and fear towards the radiation. The problems in Fukushima is not just something that happened in the past. It is on-going and also about our future, especially if you have a nuclear power plant in your country. 

When I met Mr. Matsumura for the first time, I was attracted to the positive vibe he had. Living in the horrible situation such as only 8 miles away from the nuclear power plant, how can this guy keep this positive vibe? He must have gone through a lot of conflicts in his mind since the explosion, but somehow he manages to keep the positive atmosphere around him. 



People who had to evacuate from the area after the explosion could not save their animals waiting for them at their homes.  In most cases, they were told to leave their animals with lots of food and water because  "they can return to their home within a few days". However, the evacuation order was not released for long time. As a result, a lot of animals lost their lives. What did you think about this issue? To save the animals at the time, it would have required tremendous amount of money and possibly sacrifice of human lives/health. There must be different opinions from different perspectives. I do not think I am in a position to criticize about this issue because this is such a complicated issue but my opinion about how to treat pets and domestic animals in general is that we are responsible for them as we, humans, create them because of our needs. After about 2 month from the explosion, temporary visit to their homes were organized by the government and permitted in order. During the temporary visit, it was allowed to save their pets if they were still alive. However, for domestic animals, the government officially requested the owners to let the government kill them (by putting them to sleep). By the time this request was made, lots of them already starved to death. Even if damages caused by this earthquake was massive enough to temporarily lose control, the request to kill them, because they were contaminated and no longer valuable commercially, is just too simple and cruel. 


Mr. Matsumura once evacuated to the shelter right after he heard the explosion of the power plant. However, he found out that there was no way he was going to want to stay there. Although I can't even imagine how hard it is for him to live in the no-go zone by himself with fear to be affected by the radiation but without electricity, he goes all over the area to feed animals. Those animals are mostly domestic animals and lost pets which belong to different people. He even learned how to use shovel truck after 311 so he can feed cows. He is somebody who does not possess vanity of any sort and told me he started feeding animals just because they were there and it was not because he had some kind of calling or anything. He just couldn't watch them starve to death. As we know, feeding animals requires lots of patience because once you start, you have to continue everyday. Especially under the situation he is in, it is almost impossible thing to do but he has been making it possible by his hard work and warm heart. He also has two ostriches at his home. He caught one when he found him to feed him regularly and the other one, at another time, followed his car to his home. 

To be honest, when I found his website on internet, I actually could not understand how he returned home against the rule made by the government. I was like, "well, he is really brave but must be different". When I went to meet with him in person, I soon realized that I have forgotten the feeling that most of people have; "I want to go home". As I talked with him more and more, I gradually started to understand why he returned home by feeling his honesty, openness and kindness. "I want to go home" and he went back home. He continues to feed animals because there are still precious lives there. It is that simple, although it is for sure not many people are brave enough to actually do it. 



Last time, I introduced about Ms. Akemi Suzuki who suffers from MS and still lives in Ishinomaki city, which was badly damaged by the tsunami. When I met Ms. Suzuki, I truly realized you cannot know the facts unless you actually go there. When the earthquake happened, every TV station in Japan was broadcasting about the earthquake every minute for about a week straight.  When I visited Ishinomaki city after 10 days, what I saw there was totally different from what I watched on TV. Although visiting there left a traumatic darkness in my heart, I feel it was definitely necessary. After two years have passed, I visited Ms. Suzuki and Mr. Matsumura, and again I realized how much I did not know about them. If you are interested in visiting Japan, I highly recommend visiting the damaged area, including Fukushima. It could be life changing experience for you. (Please be sure that you do not go to highly contaminated area by radiation.)Mr. Matsumura, who "just went back home", had to face various contradictions, and started his mission to fight against all the unreasonable issues. If you would like to join his mission, please go to his website. He needs funds to keep feeding the animals. If you need help sending money to him, I'd be glad to help.





What do you feel by seeing this cow starved to death? 


This project is supported by GBFund. 



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